October 16th presented us with another lovely fall day in Brooklyn. For my part, I enjoyed the great outdoors by lugging my trusty turntable and quasi-reliable computer to Barbès for the 5th installment of Bring Your Own Vinyl.
I should really consider renaming it Bring Your Own Digital Music Format, as I was the only vinyl presenter. But no… I will persevere.
How we get down.
We had an interesting slew of themes for this meeting. A couple that provided some real verbal jabs and parries.
Here were our themes:
a) All by myself… Memorable solo performance. One person and his/her art.
b) Getting’ modern. Musical masterpieces from the 1990s and/or 2000s.
c) What’s so special about that? Play and discuss a time-honored favorite you feel is overrated.
Of course, as anyone might imagine, both the modern masterpieces and overrated themes could prove to be contentious. “Modern masterpieces and overrated pieces could be the same category,” quipped Mr. Panken.
1. John Escreet – “Wayne’s World” from Consequences (Posi-Tone 8042, 2009)
Presented by Zak Shelby-Szyszko – Theme: B – MP3

About Jarrett: He actually has recorded some originals since the 80's, check out the beauties on the Blue Note Box...of course, far and few between which is unfortunate...Gary Peacock is a master and when he's on, like Sonny Rollins, he takes us to the heights of greatness. Sure, his playing is dodgy at times, specifically time and intonation, but if you catch him in the zone, it's sheer magic...a true and real improvisor. The Jarrett trio can record every show they do and I would buy it simply because there are always gems within the set. I define a gem as, a performance that captures a group dynamic, inventive and spontaneous interplay, vast vocabulary, technical mastery of the instruments, great sound and beyond all of that, personality of it's own...that trio stands alone and apart from any other straight up jazz group today.